Depression is more than being sad. As humans, we all experience sadness, anger, and grief at times. But when those emotions stick with us for too long, or we experience them more often than not, we can feel stuck and unable to move forward with our lives.
Depression can leave us not wanting to get out of bed, or conversely drive us into an intense frenzy of activity, constantly staying busy to escape the pain of feeling too much or too little (numb). Often, we struggle to put our finger on what is causing us to feel the way we do, so we end up beating ourselves up even more because of how we think we ‘should’ feel. Unfortunately, this can lead to shame. However, I will provide a safe and non-judgemental space for you to explore your feelings, both past and present, which over time enables you to finally let go of them when you are ready. I won’t force you into doing or feeling anything that you are not comfortable with and will always be ready to meet you where you are at. In sessions, I will stay with you, helping you to move forward.
The Conversational Model is an evidence based model of therapy and research has shown it can successfully help people with long histories of treatment-resistant depression. Reference